Game Pigeon Anagrams Solver Russian


What does pigeon mean? Any of a family (Columbidae, order Columbiformes) of birds with a small head, plump body, long.

Word Hunt Solver

Tool / Solver to cheat to Word Hunt. Word Hunt by Game Pigeon is a game for iOS via Apple's iMessage whose game goal is similar to Boggle in the face of an opponent.

Answers to Questions

How to use the Word Hunt Solver?


Word Hunt (from Game Pigeon on iMessage) uses grids generally 4x4, the size can be changed.


Enter each of the letters of the WordHunt game in the boxes respecting the layout.


Choose the dictionary / language used.

Click on Find the words


All solution words that can be entered in the Word Hunt grid will be displayed.

If there are black or empty boxes (not usable), leave the box empty to indicate them.

If there are wildcards (which can replace any letter), indicate it with the characters * or ?

The solver allows cheats to Word Hunt (Game Pigeon), do not abuse it to respect the online players.

How to Cheat at Word Hunt?

Source code

dCode retains ownership of the online 'Word Hunt (Game Pigeon) Solver' tool source code. Except explicit open source licence (indicated CC / Creative Commons / free), any algorithm, applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, translator), or any function (convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (PHP, Java, C#, Python, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) no data, script or API access will be for free, same for Word Hunt (Game Pigeon) Solver download for offline use on PC, tablet, iPhone or Android !

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Questions / Comments

Tool to shuffle letters. Mixing letters of a message is enough to make it incomprehensible. It is possible to perform blocks permutations to make group of shuffled letters.

Answers to Questions

How to encrypt using a letter shuffler?

Encryption, as the name suggests, consists in mixing the letters of the plain message. But that mix must follow certain rules to make it reversible, at least in part.

Mix by random write

If all the letters are randomly shuffled once, it will be very difficult (if not impossible) to recover the original message without knowing the permutation used.

Mix by writing backwards

An easy reversible mixing is to write backward, the message become less readable.

Anagram Solver For Scrabble

Split by words

In order not to make too complex mixtures, the message can be broken down into words. It will then generate an anagram of the word (which exists or not).

Split by blocks

For an easier shuffling, the message may be broken down by a fixed block size. Generally, it is best to use short blocks.

Example: If the block size is 2, take the letters in pairs, and reverse their position DCODE becomes CDDOE.

How to decrypt a letter shuffled cipher?

Decryption requires to recover the original order of mixed letters.

If it is a word split, find the existing anagrams, and among these, the right original word.

If it is a block split, find the original permutation again several solutions possible, if the permutation is random, find the most logical/plausible one.

What is the typoglycemic shuffling?

dCode has a tool for mixing the letters of a message while keeping it (theoretically) readable by a human: see the typoglycemia tool.

Source code

dCode retains ownership of the online 'Shuffled Letters' tool source code. Except explicit open source licence (indicated CC / Creative Commons / free), any algorithm, applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, translator), or any function (convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (PHP, Java, C#, Python, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) no data, script or API access will be for free, same for Shuffled Letters download for offline use on PC, tablet, iPhone or Android !

Game Pigeon Anagrams Cheat

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