Game Pigeon Darts Rules


When it comes to darts cricket scoring rules. They go as follows. The scoreboard for this version of darts is set up with a 3 column layout, and with the dartboard numbers; 15-20 and bullseye in the middle that by the darts cricket scoring rules need to be closed out. All of the other numbers on the board don’t count in this game and should. There are may variations of darts along with a number of dartboards for the different games. Here we will start by going over the basics and most commonly played games. The Darts Regulation Authority is the official organization governing the current rules and regulations of the game.

The most traditional game in darts is the “darts game 501”. 501 is only one game in a series of darts games called “Darts 01 games”. The series of darts 01 games consists mainly of the following 10 games: 101, 201, 301, 401, 501, 601,……1001 etc. 501 is the easiest 01 game for novice players to learn and to start with to learn the game of darts and it’s rules.

It is also THE game played at the Darts World Championships.

It’s your choice which darts 01 game you want to play due to the variety of choices you have. All the 01 games are played exactly the same, except for their starting scores which varies, and could be anything from 101, 201 – 1001. If you play by yourself or with a friend and you both struggle to hit the target and you want to play a very short game, play “101”.

If you are quite accurate and prefer a short game with a friend play 301 or 501. If family or friends visit and you make up two teams play 701, 901 or 1001 etc.

    The object of any darts 01 game is to reach EXACTLY ZERO before your opponent / friend / competitor or the other team.
  2. Starting SCORE
    In this example we’ll assume we are playing the darts game 501. Each player or team starts with a total score of 501. Your aim is to get to exactly zero in the shortest time possible.
  3. What TURN or THROW means
    Each player gets a turn to throw. One turn or throw means, throwing 3 darts.
    Both players take a turn to throw one dart at the bullseye(center of the dartboard). The player who is closest, will throw 1st in the 1st game and the other player will throw 1st in the 2nd game and so on, always alternating, no matter who wins or loses.
    Before any score is calculated, a player must first hit a double, also called a “double-in”, which means the player need to hit any number in the thin outer ring of the dartboard, counting twice the score of that specific segment, before score can be deducted. Throwing the inner or double bull also counts as a double.
    Once a “double” is thrown, that dart and all subsequent darts will count as score. The score is determined by subtracting each darts score from 501.For example, lets assume player 1 miss the double with the 1st dart, but hit a double 12 with the 2nd dart, and with the 3rd dart s/he throw a single 20. The double 12 counts as 24 score plus the single 20 added to that, counts as 44 score. The 44 is then deducted from the score of 501 which leaves the player with 457.

    Now player 2 throws his 3 darts. Player 2’s first aim is to also hit a double and if s/he misses with all 3 darts, tough luck, s/he stays on 501. Now player 1 throws again, and deduct each darts score from 457 and so on.

    In order to claim a win, a player must end the game by throwing a double equal to the remaining score, also called a “double out”.For example, if player 1 has 32 score remaining, s/he must hit double 16(32) to win, while if player two has 35 remaining s/he must hit a single 5, and then a double 15(30) to win. Another way of throwing the 35, could be by hitting a single 15 and then a double 10(20) etc.or any another combination you can think of as long as you close or end your game with a double.
  8. Reaching 170 or less score
    Once a player reaches 170 or less score, it is possible to end the game with only 3 darts or less, depending on the score at that time.
  9. 3 & 2 Darts Checkout Table
    To make it easier for you, I have included a 3 & 2 Darts Checkout Table, which you can download and learn through time, which will show you which numbers to throw, to end your game within the next 3 darts, or 2 darts, depending on your score.For example, lets assume a player has 170 score remaining. It is now possible(but not that easy) to finish the game with only 3 darts. This can be accomplished, by hitting a Treble 20(60 score) with the 1st dart, hit another T20(60 score) with the 2nd dart and then hit the INNER or Double Bull(50 score) with your 3rd dart, for a total of 170. Game FINISH!
    Hitting the score as stated in the above example, is NOT SO EASY. It takes a lot of practice, but luck sometimes happen. It is good custom or habit to learn the tricks of the game early on and to know the shortcuts. If someone don’t know about the 3 & 2 dart checkouts, it will be to your advantage.


    Remember, just as you “doubled-in” by throwing a double first, you always need to “DOUBLE OUT” in any 01 game before you can claim you won that game. (Some people play the game but don’t “double out”. The only reason for this is that they really throw crappy and can’t finish the game).A player can only “double-out” on an even number. The lowest number a player can “double-out” on is “2”, which means the player need to throw a double 1(2) to win.

    All the general rules apply for any dart game i.e. if a dart should fallout that dart doesn’t count.

    If you ever watch darts competitions on TV, you will notice in some of the major tournaments the professional players don’t double-in but they always double-out. This is done to make the game more interesting for the viewers. It won’t be that exciting if one person still struggles to double-in while the opponent is already busy to double-out.

  2. Playing Games in different formats 01 Games can be played in different formats. One way to play the game is to play in the “BEST OF..” format, whereby a player or team winning three legs in a “BEST OF 5 LEGS” game wins the match.
    Eg. Once you have won 3 games(also called legs), you win. The score can typically be 3 – 0 or 3 – 2 etc.Another way to play the game is to play in a “SET” format, whereby a player or team must win the “SET OF 5 LEGS”, before claiming to win the match.
    Eg. Here you have to play until any player wins a total of 5 legs, then you win. The score can typically be 5 – 0 or 5 – 4 etc.


Did you know the quickest way to start and end a 501 game during a professional tournament is with only 9 darts. Here are 2 examples of how it can be done.

Round 1 – Throw a T20(60 – 1st dart), T20(60 – 2nd dart) and T20(60 – 3rd dart) for a total score of 180 leaving you with 321
Round 2 – Throw a T20(60 – 1st dart), T20(60 – 2nd dart) and T20(60 – 3rd dart) for a total score of 180 leaving you with 141
Round 3 – Throw a T19(57 – 1st dart), T18(54 – 2nd dart) and D15(30 – 3rd dart) for a total score of 141 leaving you with ZERO or

Instead of throwing
T19(57), T18(54), D15(30), you could throw
T20(60), T15(45), D18(36) to completely wipe out your score of 141.

*T20 = Treble 20 D15 = Double 15



Game Pigeon Darts Rules Printable

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This article outlines darts official rules. This is a bit difficult to define because there’s many ways to play a game of darts. There are more than 60+ games you can play on a dartboard.

For someone new to darts you may be a bit confused as towhere to start. I will try to simplifyit for you. Even though there’s no one way to play a game of darts there arestill guidelines that all dart games must follow.

Furthermore the darts world has a governing body called theworld darts federation, WDF for short. They include over 70 countries worldwide,they also host tournaments in all those 70+ countries. As such their rules andregulations have become the standard for dart players everywhere.

Odds are if you decide to enter a tournament in your area you will be playing with their rules. If you want to get the news straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s their page for darts official rules here WDF tournament rules.

But regardless of if you want to enter darts tournaments oryou’re just a casual player, there are guidelines that apply to every dartsgame, these are the general rules of darts.

Darts General Rules

1. The dartboard must be mounted 5 ft 8 inches from the floor to the middle of the dartboard for both bristle and electronic dartboards.

2. The throw-line must be marked 7 ft 9.25 inches from the front of the dartboard to the back of the throw-line for bristle dartboards. For electronic dartboards the throw-line must be marked 8 ft away. This translate to 9 ft 7.5 inches diagonal distance from the center of the dartboard to the back of the throw-line for bristle dartboards and 9 feet 9 inches for electronic dartboards.

3. You and your opponents take turns shooting at thedartboard to determine who goes first. The player who shoots closest to thebullseye gets the first turn.

4. Regardless of which game you play you will have to throwthree darts each turn unless you win the game with fewer.

5. For bristle dartboards if a dart falls off the dartboardbefore you can finish throwing and collecting all three, that dart doesn’tcount towards your score. For electronic dartboards the computer registers yourscore even if the dart falls out.

Game Pigeon Darts Rules

6. The outer ring portion is worth double the number and theinner right is worth triple that number. Some dart games may just award you 2points for hitting the double and 3 points for hitting the triple butregardless the game those portions will be worth more points. The inner portionof the bullseye is also worth 50 or double the points of the other portionwhich is worth 25 points.

Moving On

Those are darts official rules, general guidelines that apply to all dart games. Furthermore, of the 60+ dart games you can play on a dartboard, some are more common than others.

This goes back to tournament play. The origin of darts iscredited to the English as such they dictate the most commonly played game ofdarts, known as the x01 games.

Only in American do we see the popularity of cricket which isanother darts game that is played alongside x01 games at tournaments. So as abeginner if you are looking for a sort of standard those two would fit thatmold.

Odds are if you decide to go to a pub or bar for a gamethat’s what they will play because everyone know those games. If you are inAmerica it will be cricket, if you are in England it will be one of the x01games. I’ll list them both below.

Darts Official Rules For X01 Games

Prelude: The x01 games are the most popularform of darts found all over the world. They dominate tournament play all overthe world.

X01 games are named as such because they are played by adding1 to a multiple of 100. To my knowledge x01 games range from 101 to 1501, withthe most popular form of the game being 501 recently overtaking 301 as the newstandard.

The objective of x01 games is to be the first to reach zerofrom the starting score, be it 401, 501, 601, etc. Most x01 games also requireyou finish the game with a double out.

This simply means you have to hit a double section of thedartboard before your point will count and you can win the match. For exampleif you have 20 left to win the game, you have to hit the double 10 before youwill be allowed to win.

This has spawned the invention of out charts dart finish tables, which is a whole subsection of darts on its own. I’ll go into more detail on the game-play below.

Game Pigeon Darts Rules &

How To Play: Like with most dart games, you andyour opponent will take turns shooting at the bullseye to determine who getsthe first turn. You can flip a coin to determine who shoots first for thechance to shoot first. I prefer to play rock payer scissors.

After the first shooter is determined, each player takesturns throwing three darts at the dartboard each turn. The outer ring is worthdouble that number, so if you land on the outer ring of the 20 its worth 40.The inner ring is worth 3 times that number, so if you land on the inner ringof the 19 its worth 57.

You continue in this fashion until either you or youropponent reaches zero. But remember you must score a double on your last pointbefore it can count. If you score more points than you need or you are leftwith a score of 1 your point doesn’t count. Because you can’t get a double outwith a score of 1.

The winner is declared when one player manages to finish thegame with a double out. Some x01 games do allow single out finishes, this isjust you shooting the exact number instead of a double to finish. Most timesthis is left to the players’ discretion.

Darts Official Rules For Cricket

Prelude: Americans are sort of separate fromthe rest of the world, they seem to have their own way of doing things. Takethe popularity of soccer worldwide, in the US American football, evenbasketball is more popular than soccer.

As such when it comes to darts America has it’s own darts game. Where-else in other parts of the world x01 games are more popular, in American cricket is the most popular form of darts, it’s even listed in the tournament rules of the American Darts Organization.

Game Pigeon Darts Rules

Unlike x01 games cricket only utilizes 7 parts of thedartboard, the numbers 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and the bullseye. The objectiveof cricket is to score three points on each of the numbers listed previously,doing so will designate those numbers as “closed” for you.

After a number is closed, if your opponent hasn’t closed thatnumber as well, any additional time you hit that number you will earn pointsequal that number. Before you close the number the double area is worth 2points and the treble area is worth 3 points.

After you close the number, the double area is worth 2 timesthat number and the treble area is worth 3 times that number. You win the gameof cricket when you close all numbers first and have more points than youropponent.

If you do not have more points than your opponent you willnot be allowed to close your final number until you earn more points than youropponent.

Game Pigeon Darts Rules For Beginners

How To Play: Same as the x01 games. You and youropponents shoot one dart at the dartboard to determine who goes first. Theplayer closest to the bullseye gets the first turn. Afterwards you and youropponent(s) take turns shooting three darts at the dartboard each turn.

Your objective is to close all numbers and score more pointsthan your opponent. You close a number by scoring 3 points on that number. Thedouble section of the number is worth 2 points and the treble section is worth3 points. So it’s possible for you to close a number in one turn.

Once you close that number you can begin to earn points onthat number until your opponent closes their similar number. Until then youwill earn twice the points for hitting the double section of the number, andtriple the points for hitting the treble section of that number.

Game Pigeon Darts Rules Pdf

For example if you hit the double section of the 15 you will earn 30 points, and if you hit the treble 15 you will earn 45 points. The first player to close all their numbers and have more points win. You will not be allowed to close your last number until you have more points than your opponent, otherwise if they close all their numbers they win.

Check out even more Dart Games for Beginners or find one of the Best Bristle Dartboards to play on.