What To Do When Game Pigeon Won't Work


Another common error is when Game Pigeon doesn’t show on iMessage. To fix this, simply open iMessage, tap the 4 dots, hold the GamePigeon icon until it jiggles and then tap the x that appears to remove it. Once you have removed it, you can re-install the app again. How to start a game on GamePigeon.

It is well known that the pigeon population has grown to uncontrollable numbers and deterring their roosting on buildings have become a growing concern. Pigeons are smart birds and often quite dependent on humans for survival. They will live in close proximity to people for their food source, as well as take up residence within the buildings that house people. These birds like to be high up so it is most likely that they will be found on roofs, courtyards, beams, and ledges. There are over sixty diseases carried by the pigeon and their excretions. This means that where there is a heavy infestation of birds, cleaning up is as important as getting them to move.
RICE: Some people believe that you can use rice to kill pigeons. But it has to be DRY rice. The idea here is that dried rice expands considerably once it's exposed to liquid. So if a pigeon eats a lot of dried rice, there's not enough room in the stomach, or gizzard, and the pigeon could literally burst! But this is a MYTH. C'mon now. Haven't you seen that little Japanese dude Takeru Kobayashe eat over 50 hot dogs with buns? Stomachs can expand quite a bit. Animals throw up when they're too full to handle it. Birds are experts at regurgitating, if you haven't noticed! So no, you can't kill pigeons with rice.
  1. Pigeon, any of several hundred species of birds constituting the family Columbidae (order Columbiformes). Smaller forms are usually called doves, larger forms pigeons. An exception is the white domestic pigeon, the symbol known as the “dove of peace.” Pigeons occur.
  2. Remove the game from your list of Installed Apps under Facebook Settings and then re-install it. Go to Facebook Settings then Apps (in the left-hand column of the Settings page). Hover your cursor over the Slingo® Arcade icon to reveal the 'X' to Remove the app.

ALKA SELTZER: Same sort of deal. The idea is that the alka seltzer will cause a lot of gas and make the pigeon explode. C'mon. Animals don't work that way. They have mechanisms that allow them to survive. In this case, it's called 'burping'. Yes, pigeons will burp out the gas. So no, you can't kill pigeons with alka seltzer.
Okay then, how do kill pigeons? The best way is to shoot them! A high-powered air rifle, like 1000 FPS, is a great way to do it. There are other firearm options as well, but the air rifle is legal in residential areas, and pretty safe to use indoors, if that's where the pigeons are roosting. There are probably some pigeon poisons, but I just think that's a lousy way to try to deal with a pigeon problem. The real best way is to install deterrents that prevent them from landing in the area you don't want them, such as needle strips, netting, or shock track.
Click any of the below photos for a larger high-resolution version:

Pigeons roosting at a gas station

Here are some pigeons I caught in a trap

Before and after. Needle strips work

I caught this pigeon coming out of an attic

Is It Illegal To Poison Pigeons - A lot of people can get so frustrated with a pigeon problem that they may be left wondering if it is illegal to poison pigeons. The true answer is that it depends. Your city or state may have laws in the books that see pigeon poisoning as animal cruelty but some do not. However you should know that pigeon poisoning can cause additional problems to other people and wildlife in the area. A poisoned pigeon for example may be eaten by a household pet or by other scavenging wildlife and that may in turn kill an unintended animal. Using poison to kill pigeons in greater numbers can also cause a waste of public money because when several birds die there is a need to find the cause. That kind of situation has happened before and due to the fear of disease, the birds need to be examined to rule out spreading agents. If you are still asking if “is it illegal to poison pigeons?” then you may be better served looking for wildlife control. They will be able to reduce the number of pigeons and to give you a more permanent solution. They can help answer your questions on whether or not poisoning is legal and if you have other options. What to do when game pigeon doesn
How To Get Rid Of Dead Pigeon Smell - One of the bigger problems when you have pigeons on your property is that they can die inside. Although a dead pigeon is not as common as other types of pests it can smell as bad as any other critter would. Getting rid of the smell involves two things: finding the source and clean up. The first step when learning how to get rid of dead pigeon smell is to locate the pigeon. If the bird is somewhere in a room, but not on the wall then the process should be simple. For birds that died trapped in a wall on the other hand you will need to make a hole in the wall. Once you found the dead bird dispose it by wearing rubber gloves and a breathing mask for comfort and to avoid breathing in bacteria. Place the dead bird inside a couple of plastic bags to seal in the smell and dispose it. You are not done yet, you now have to clean the spot where the bird was. To do that use a brush and bleach. Scrub the area for a couple of minutes with a generous amount of bleach to ensure that the area is clean and the smell should be gone.
PHOTOS: For great pictures of bird control and removal, click on my: Bird Photographs gallery.

If you don't live in Florida click my Nationwide Directory of Wildlife Professionals serving almost every town, in all 50 states.
A complete list of my bird control pages:
Bird Control
How to Keep Pigeons Away from a Building
Bird Photographs
How to Get Rid of PigeonsPigeon
How to Keep Pigeons Away From Balcony, Pool, Building
How to Kill Pigeons
Canada Goose Removal - How To Get Rid, How to Keep Away
Woodpecker Removal - How To Get Rid, How to Keep Away
Starling Removal - How To Get Rid, How to Keep Away
Muscovy Duck Removal - How To Get Rid, How to Keep Away

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

A low-poly epistolary game where you navigate a messenger pigeon through a city. During your journey, you hear the contents of the letter you're delivering.

Made by Michelle Lega
Voice: Charlie Irving
Music: Jes Klass

This game is compatible both with keyboard and mouse and controller. Please download the correct file for your setup, noted with (Keyboard) or (Controller).

NOTE: If you have a Mac running Catalina, you have to launch the game from the itch app, otherwise Catalina won't run it properly!

*If you would like to view a playthrough of the game without downloading, you can watch here.

Updated 8 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS
AuthorPigeonkind Games
Tagsgrief, Lesbian, LGBTQIA, Low-poly, Narrative, Queer, Unity, Walking simulator


In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Development log

  • Homing 1.2 - Subtitles!
    Jul 22, 2020

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What To Do When Game Pigeon Won

I didn't expect to actually tear up but here I am, teared up

Lovely short game, beautiful narration.

Probably the fastest a game has brought me to tears (in a good way!)

Thank you so much for making this <3

Hi, I just played on Mac (Mojave, KB+M version) and had a bit of trouble figuring out how to pause the game to change options and see controls. Seems that although both Esc and P are supposed to pause, the game wasn't responding to the escape key.

Hey, sorry I didn't trust you, but...I checked and your game actually does run on Catalina! People just need to download and launch the game via the Itch app, instead of the website. This is true for many games right now. For some reason, Catalina doesn't seem to be able to unzip certain files properly.

This game is cute! I like everything about it (and I really like the name of the pigeon)!

NOTE: If you have a Mac running Catalina, the game unfortunately won’t work - this is an issue with Catalina being very restrictive on what apps it will allow to be played on your computer.

I thought that was a matter of Catalina not supporting 32-bit code. Does this game use 64-bit binaries? AFAIK that’s the only barrier new to Catalina (though quite a bothersome one).

I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what the issue is, the game uses 64-bit, but I don’t have a Mac with Catalina to test and I’ve had some people not be able to run it at all and some people be able to run it fine so my guess is it’s a permissions thing on the user side.

Ah. I’d offer to help test, but I haven’t upgraded to Catalina for exactly this reason (I’m still on the previous release, Mojave).

I found that you can open terminal and run

and then just run the game normally

I think this game would be cool, but I need subtitles because of my hearing. Let me know if there is an update.

Hello! I have uploaded a new version of the game with subtitles - I hope it helps!

what a sweet game!! i really enjoyed playing it :-]

What To Do When Game Pigeon Won't Working

I've tried a few times to run the Mac version, but I just get 'This app can't be opened', which probably indicates some permission problems, or a corrupted zip archive. I've tried unzipping it with tools other than the standard OSX archiver, but it still doesn't work.

Hello! Are you running Catalina on your Mac? If so, that’s because Catalina has very strict permissions for unverified apps. There’s a workaround here, although I can’t verify if it actually works because I don’t have a Mac. If you’re running an older OS than Catalina, can you let me know what you’re running and what specifically the error message says and I can try to troubleshoot?

Nope, this was on Mojave. Also that was the exact (and very unhelpful) error message 'This app can't be opened'. I don't believe this is the usual key signing error you get for unverified apps, because that has a 'because the developer couldn't be identified' on the end of the error. This error, which I've had before from itch games, usually means something needs to be set executable, but isn't

Interesting. I've done a bit of research on this and the only thing that keeps coming up is something telling me to run chmod to set it as an executable but I can't do that on a PC. I'll rope in a friend who has a Mac and see if I can figure out the problem from there!

Got it. You need chmod u+x on Homing1.1_Mac_KBM.app/Contents/MacOS/Homing

Then it runs. The app bundle itself is already executable, but I that file needs to be as well

What Happens When Game Pigeon Won't Work

Thank you! I think this is unfortunately something I can't fix in the build, not sure why building to Mac from a PC in Unity is so touchy but alas.

I miss some subtitles (english is not my first language), but i find it's a very touching experience.
Thanks. :)

Thank you for the comment! I will work on getting subtitles in the game!

Hello! I have uploaded a new version of the game with subtitles - I hope it helps!

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